
Pixel Gypsy Followers

Published In:

  • Scrap Street Magazine (Jul '10) x3
  • The Daily Scrapper (Aug '09 #14)
  • Digital Artist Magazine (Aug '09)
  • Scrap Street Magazine (Jan '09)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

About Me

If you’re here you probably already know me. Or, maybe you don’t. If you don’t…Hi, I’m Sherrie. Nice to meet you. :) Introductions just really aren’t my thing. They give me that “get up in front of a room full of people to make a speech and realize you’re in your underwear” feeling. Not good at all. So…I’m going to skip all the blah, blah, blah about the nuts and bolts of my life. It’s not really that different from anyone else’s therefore doesn’t warrant long description. Or—maybe it is, but giving too many details of my life would endanger the secrecy of my super-hero alter ego. You never know…

For several years I’ve been maintaining two blogs—one for my personal stuff and another for my work-related stuff. I’ve decided to consolidate everything into this single spot for my own sanity…as well as in the hopes of becoming better about blogging on a personal level. My business blog always got lots of love and attention. My personal one…sometimes, not so much.

A little bit about the things you might see on this blog:

I design digital scrapbooking products, so there will definitely be lots of that. I scrapbook…you guessed it…digitally, so you will be seeing the layouts I create. I’m also on the creative team for two fantastic designer friends, so I’ll be talking about some of their super-sweet products as well as showing off the layouts I make with their stuff. I love to read and may, on and off, rave (or rant) about what’s currently getting the pages of my Kindle turning. I have a Cannon Rebel that I want to learn to use more skillfully, so there is a good chance there will be photography peppered through my blog (this also goes hand-in-hand with that whole scrapbooking thing). My life is touched by Autism—both my son and daughter have been diagnosed with varying degrees of this developmental disorder (our daughter has ADD as well), so there will definitely be posts that address that. I’m in a redecorating phase right now, so I’m sure I’ll babble about my progress throughout my home. Halloween is better than Christmas in my book and we throw a large party each year that takes months to plan—you can be SURE I’ll be discussing that. Last, but not least, I have a lot of random thoughts and because I can’t escape them, you won’t be able to either.

Now…if you’re thinking, why in the world would I come to read all about *that* stuff, I’d just like to point out that in the midst of all that kind of sharing, you just might figure out my super-hero alter ego identity. What could be more exciting that that, right? 

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Sherrie Piegdon
Lover of all things artsy, crafty, geeky and witty. Dreams of some day becoming a real-deal vagabond and traveling the world with her husband with no real plan or schedule.